5 Reasons You’re Having Issues With Your Wireless Network

You’re about to close a big deal while on the phone with a client.

But before they say “yes,” they need you to pull up some quick performance data that will fully convince them. You head to your browser and get ready to pull up the files — only to find that, once again, your office’s Internet is down.

The client doesn’t have time to wait.

Not only do you lose the sale, but the overall reputation of your company takes a serious hit.

If you’ve been in a situation like the one above, then you know firsthand just how important having a strong, fast, and secure wireless network can be.

But why isn’t your network working, and what can you do to fix it and avoid situations like that in the future?

Read on to find out.

1. Your Equipment Is Ancient

If you’ve put off buying a new router for yet another year, it could be the reason why you’re having issues with your wireless network.

Newer equipment exists for a reason — because it’s a marked improvement over what you were using five years ago. If you’re still working with a B, G, or N model of router, you’re simply not going to get the same speeds as you would with the newer AC routers.

The main reason?

Newer routers offer higher bandwidth, so you can send more information over your network in half of the time.

2. You’re Not In Range

Sometimes, the wireless network issue isn’t with the actual equipment but is instead all about where you’ve decided to put it.

While router speeds and transmission distances have certainly improved over the years, you may still struggle to get a signal if your router is out of range.

In general, the closer you are to your router, the stronger and better signal you’re going to get.

Unsure of where the best place for your router actually is?

Try using the HeatMapper plugin to help you identify where you’ll get the strongest signals.

Of course, sometimes it’s impossible to move your desk or redesign your entire office just so you can have access to the best Internet. In this case, we suggest picking up a Wi-Fi extender, that will act as a booster for your router.

If you’re still experiencing issues even after getting an extender, then you may want to invest in what’s called a “mesh” system. This is actually lots of little routers that connect with each other to ensure that you get less downtime.

3. You’re Not Plugging Things In Correctly

It’s an easy mistake, but you’d be surprised at how often simply plugging something into the wrong place is the real culprit when it comes to wireless network problems.

Take a look at your modem and router. Where have you plugged in the Ethernet cable?

If you’ve accidentally put it into the LAN port and not the WAN/Internet port, you’re going to have serious connectivity problems.

Don’t worry — we won’t tell anyone how easy the fix actually was, and you can be the hero of your office.

4. A Failure To Configure Wi-Fi Security

First of all, not setting up your Wi-Fi’s security features seriously puts your company and its data at risk.

With roughly 14 million businesses hacked every single year, you don’t want to give cyber criminals what is essentially an open door policy into your private files.

If you leave your Wi-Fi “open,” or if you use WEP, then not only will you put your information at risk — you’ll also deal with decreased speeds.

This could be because people you don’t know are stealing your bandwidth, or it could be because a hacker as already taken control of your network and is currently spying on your activity.

Either way, it’s time to make a change — as soon as possible.

First of all, set up a Wi-Fi password, and even switch up your network name and SSID. Then, make sure that your WiFi’s setting is changed to “optimal coverage.”

When you’re selecting a new network, steer clear of WPA and TKIP, which can keep things slowed down. Instead, go for the WPA2 network for best results.

5. Ignoring Firmware Updates

We know that it can be annoying to have to stop your workday in order to upgrade your software or firmware.

What’s even more annoying?

Losing several days of business and even a few customers because of either security breaches or slow wireless network speeds.

In some cases, these updates may be automatic, but you should never assume that they’re running on their own.

To check to see if there are any updates you need to install, it’s best to just check the router’s manufacturing website. Then, you can download the updates that you need.

This way, you’ll always have access to better performance, increased speeds, and the top security updates.

If you don’t have the time or the technical ability to check for these updates on your own? Then we strongly suggest working with a professional IT cable management and installation company to ensure you’re not leaving your network vulnerable.

Need Professional Wireless Network Help?

Thanks to this post, you now have five major solutions to some of the most common wireless network problems.

But what if the issues you’re facing can’t be solved by any of the above methods? What if the problem is simply too big for you to handle on your own?

You ignore it, right?


Instead, you spend some time on our website to learn more about how we can help you to improve your fiber optics, create a cell signal booster or a network cabling design, and much more.

As the number one choice in South Carolina for most IT needs, we have the expertise and the experience to get the job done right the first time.

Connect with us now to get started.


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